Free hamilton anxiety test
Anxiety Depression Test:
Assess your anxiety and depression (Hamilton test)

Result of the test of anxiety-depression (Hamilton test):

Severe Depression: You have severe depressive symptoms

Your anxiety depression score: 20 (normal < 7 points)
The higher the score, the more severe the depression.

Personalized results of the HAM-D Scoring:

If you think you might be depressed or if you suspect that your symptoms will become more severe, we recommend that you consult a doctor. Some symptoms of depression can be related to other diagnoses. The Hamilton Anxiety Depression test is one of the most used by the health professionals to evaluate the symptoms evolution in the treatment of depression (psychotherapy or antidepressant drugs).

If you want more information about your anxiety, you can take the anxiety test for free, an accurate test developed by psychologists for stress, worry, depression.

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